Saturday, July 4, 2009

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Health benefits of dance….

Reprinted from February, 1994, Mayo Clinic Health Letter with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research, Rochester, MN 55905

Evelyn resolved that in 1994 she'd exercise regularly. But it's only the beginning of the new year and she's already bored with her new stationary bike. The rowing machine and treadmill at the YWCA also hold little appeal.
When a friend coaxed her to go along for an evening of free dance lessons, she realized exercise doesn't have to be a chore.
It's true. Whether you're swirling across the floor to a Strauss Waltz or doing do-si-dos to the commands of a square-dance caller, you're getting exercise-and probably having fun too.

From burning calories to socializing with friends, dancing offers these health benefits:

Calories - Dancing can burn as many calories as walking, swimming or riding a bicycle. During a half hour of sustained dancing you can burn between 200 and 400 calories. One factor that determines how many calories you'll expend is distance. In one study, researchers attached pedometers to square dancers and found each person covered nearly five miles in a single evening.

Cardiovascular conditioning - Regular exercise can lead to a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and an improved cholesterol profile (see Medical Essay, June 1991). Experts typically recommend 30 to 40 minutes of continuous activity three to four times a week. Dancing may not provide all the conditioning you need, but it can help. The degree of cardiovascular conditioning depends on how vigorously you dance, how long you dance continuously and how regularly you do it.

Strong bones - The side-to-side movements of many dances strengthen your weight bearing bones (tibia, fibula and femur) and can help prevent or slow loss of bone mass (osteoporosis).

Rehabilitation - If you're recovering from heart or knee surgery, movement may be part of your rehabilitation. Dancing is a positive alternative to aerobic dance or jogging.

Sociability - Dancing contains a social component that solitary fitness endeavors don't. It gives you an opportunity to develop strong social ties which contribute to self-esteem and a positive outlook (see Mayo Clinic Health Letter, February 1992)

Tomorrow night when you consider settling down for a little television, turn on the music instead. After a few spins around the living room, you'll have so much fun you may forget you're exercising.

Health benefits and risks to dancing depend on how much oomph you put into it. Different types of dance require varying amount of energy.
If you have heart disease or other medical concerns, check with your doctor before taking up dance as a new activity. Then follow these steps:

Warm up - Before starting to dance, spend a few minutes stretching. Practice a few dance steps to prepare your muscles for activity.

Ease into the pace - Begin with slower, less demanding rhythms and build up to faster tempos. Easing into activities lessens the chance of pulling or straining a muscle.

Know your limits - Take breaks from dancing if you feel undue fatigue or shortness of breath. If necessary, sit out the next number.

How to Chose the Right Sports Shoe….

This is one of the most common questions that I encounter in my practice. This article gives you an overall idea, on how do go about picking the right sports shoe. Sports shoes can cost an arm and a led these days and hence it is imperative that you know how to choose the right one. A wrong pair of shoes may result in foot injuries. Here is a simple guide to help you choose a pair of sports shoes.

1) Buying for the right activity.
Different shoes are built for different purposes. In fact, some shoes are so specialized that you can't wear them for anything else (shoes with spikes and studs). Sports shoes are designed to support the sports person during the sport activity. For example, if you are playing badminton, you will need shoes that help you maintain your balance while you move forwards, backwards, and sideways. The shoes have to provide your ankles with adequate support while you move in all directions.

2) Get to know your own feet.
A normal foot has an arc in the middle. Many individuals have variations in the arches of the foot.  In such cases, it is important that the insoles of the shoes must have an adequate arch support to prevent foot pain due to uneven weight distribution in the feet.

Never wear a pair of running shoes for sports games that require you to move laterally a lot. Running shoes are built for forward movement only. Pick up a pair of running shoes and you will observe that the soles are slightly inclined - i.e. thicker at the heel, and thinner at the toes. This design enables the runner to keep up the forward running motion with less effort. Also, the thicker soles at the heels help to absorb most of the impact. When running, the heels land first. So that is the part that needs the most protection when running.

3) Comfort above price.
Place comfort above all else. Don't base your decision based on price alone. You will be spending a lot time in your sports shoes. So be sure to choose comfort over price. If you feel more comfortable in a pair of sports shoes, you should buy it, even though it may cost a little more than the others.